About Me

An outspoken, outgoing, and enthusiastic college student. A mix of North America and Asia, sautéed in a blend of crazy Asian and American parenting. Sort of preppy with an extra pinch of spice and broiled over to add that extra crunch.

Monday, 7 November 2011

IT for the win?

I remember when I was a child, I idolized Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball player of all time. With his lightning quick play and unstoppable fade-away jump shot, he was the epitome of the perfect basketball player. Equal to his talents on the court, was his ability to make money. From the day Michael Jordan set foot on the basketball court to now, he has generated a ridiculous amount of wealth. 

However.... for a certain IT giant, not so much. 

What to you think?


  1. LOL Great blog! Kept me entertained for a couple seconds than my marketing class did hahaa

    - Julie Vu :)

  2. Dang, only a couple a seconds? You should visit more!!
