About Me

An outspoken, outgoing, and enthusiastic college student. A mix of North America and Asia, sautéed in a blend of crazy Asian and American parenting. Sort of preppy with an extra pinch of spice and broiled over to add that extra crunch.

Saturday, 12 November 2011


This video gives me chills. Amazing. Full screen recommended


All in a State of Mind

As cliché as it may sound, everything you want to achieve in life depends on your state of mind. We are all born with a natural ability to do something, but it's how we use that natural ability, that determines how great we are.

A quote from the great Albert Einstein, " Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." speaks the truth, in which everybody on the planet has the ability to excel in a number of different things, if thought of in the correct point of view.

However, what about those things which we don't have the natural ability to do? What if you want to excel in dancing, cooking, sports, academics, music, but naturally, it just doesn't seem to come? Albert Einstein was right that certain individuals have the ability to naturally excel in their own way, BUT he never said, and for good reason, that the final result for anybody was contingent on that idea. In simple terms for us all: what you give, is what you get. 

Of course, you've all heard that before. But think of it this way. When was the last time you thought you couldn't do something and failed?

Chances are, fairly often.

Does that mean you're an excellent predictor and a failure at that particular thing? The answer is NO to both. People can do amazing things when they put their minds to it. Most of us just have an artificial sense of our potential, when in reality, our ceiling is almost limitless; we just have it engrained in our heads that we are ONLY supposed to be at a certain level.

But think of it this way. When you see people who can do things you can't fathom to see yourself do, you usually ask yourself "how do they do it?" when you clearly know the answer. They find ways to integrate what they do constantly in their every day lives, they spend countless hours on mastering their craft, and they don't give up on what they want to achieve.

Let me ask you, have any of you failed something that you put, in all honestly, 100% of your effort in. Chances are, barely any. If you failed an exam, could you have studied an extra hour? If yes, you're already not at 100%. What about another 2 hours? Small increments like that just show when you live up to your potential, your results will vastly improve. Recall everything that you considered as a "failure" in your life, and think about if there was ANYTHING (even the smallest trivial thing), that you could have done to prevent it.

"Going in one more round when you don't think you can, that is what makes all the difference in your life" - Rocky

You miss every shot that you don't take. So why not take as many as you can? If you want something in life, go grab it. Don't ever let anybody tell you, that you can't do something. If you have a dream, then you have to protect it. If something can be dreamed, then it can be achieved. Anybody can achieve anything, if you want it enough. Contrary to the popular quote, "good things come to those who wait", it should be in my opinion "good things come to those who work, and if you don't, you'll be waiting for a long time".

So for anybody not feeling satisfied with what they have, this is a simple message to just go out there and grab what you want to achieve. When you truly put effort and passion into what you do, you will be amazed on how possible the impossible can seem.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Minor Differences I

We live in a society where everybody thinks big; fast cars, shooting stars, tall buildings, huge concerts, giant shopping malls. We sometimes forget, that in life, it can be the little things that actually make the difference. Now before you start laughing, just think about just some minor LITTLE differences that can occur in our every day lives that can make a HUGE impact on us.

These are just some examples of how the little things can make a huge impact on the daily things we do. Are you all interested in more of these? Got any other minor differences? Comment below!

Images are courtesy of "TheOatmeal.com".

Monday, 7 November 2011

IT for the win?

I remember when I was a child, I idolized Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball player of all time. With his lightning quick play and unstoppable fade-away jump shot, he was the epitome of the perfect basketball player. Equal to his talents on the court, was his ability to make money. From the day Michael Jordan set foot on the basketball court to now, he has generated a ridiculous amount of wealth. 

However.... for a certain IT giant, not so much. 

What to you think?

Monday, 31 October 2011

Occupy Occupy Wall Street?

So for anybody who hasn't heard about Occupy Wall Street, it is basically a civilian movement to protest against the 1% of people who control the majority of wealth in any given country. Protests have been springing up in New York, Washington DC, Montreal, and many other cities all around the world. It is basically a voice from the people who feel like the system is abused to cater to the 1%, while 99% of individuals suffer.

However, although this group garners support from many individuals, there are also many individuals with contrary beliefs, including a group known as Occupy Occupy Wall Street, who represent some of the "1%", that control the wealth in certain countries. They feel that they work hard for their money, and deserve to be at the top. This letter is is one that can represent some of the opinions of the other side, Occupy Occupy Wall Street. 

So what do you think? Who are you with?

Occupy Wall Street VS. Occupy Occupy Wall Street

Friday, 28 October 2011

Beat boxing flute guy???

I know this video might be old, but this reminds us all of our childhood spend watching inspector gadget and this guy is just too sick. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Rising Above the Shadow;

What is a shadow? A shadow can be a shade within clear boundaries. A shadow can be an imperfect imitation or copy. A shadow can be dominating and pervasive presence. Whatever a shadow may or may not be, it is something that everybody has. It can be behind you, it can be ahead of you, or even around you, but it is always with you.

A shadow is capable of outshining, overcoming, and consuming you as there is no way to avoid it. When it is behind you, you can feel its presence while it slowly gains on you. No matter how hard you try, the shadow is always gaining. It is always ready to overcome you and then throw you to the ground. Everything you put in: the effort, the intensity, and the heart, is just thrown away as if it was nothing. Just like if life were to taunt you, your shadow is there to taunt you. It acts as your motivation, to rise above and over come it, yet it is never reachable; no matter which way you turn, or how you try to combat it, it is untouchable.  

Being under the shadows is a test of will: The will to fight, the will to hustle, and the will to keep going. To be overcome by it can be something devastating. To know that after everything you put in, the shadow is still one step ahead of you. When you change for the better, it changes for the worse. When you become stronger, it becomes stronger. When you finally feel like giving up, it never backs down. In between you and the light is your shadow. The light that brings you hope, and the light that gives you happiness, is blocked. You can see the light through the translucent body of your shadow, but that is as far as you can get. The shadow is always preventing you from what you really want. It makes you wonder whether or not if all this is worth it. Is it worth all this effort? Is it worth all this pain? Is it worth everything you give? If it is always going to be there to follow you, why even bother to escape it? Just why... is it always with you?

Either behind you, ahead of you, or surrounding you, your shadow is there. As long as there is light in your life, your shadow will always be illuminated. With the goodness of the light, the darkness of the shadow must be created. Only in pure darkness can the shadow be unlit, but that just leads to something completely worse. The state of bliss in where you think you are dreaming and the state of happiness inside that you're feeling is from the light in your life. If the light in your life can outshine the darkness, then you can rise above the shadow. The light reassures you and is there for you to feed off of to give you courage and perseverance. It can make you feel superhuman. That is what you need. Your shadow can be a dominating and pervasive presence but it can also be just an imperfect imitation of yourself. In the end, you decide on what your shadow is to you. 

After all this, I may ask again, what is a shadow? Is it the darkened areas that results when light energy is blocked? Is it a copy of the original? Is it something existing in perception only? Whatever it may be, I can overcome it. The light in my life drives me. My weaknesses thrown away, the heart of mine is strong today, and I will rise above the shadow. It may have the upper hand but it will be me who is gaining; gaining on my shadow until I rise above it. Regardless of the difficult journey, I have to stand in what I believe in. To know that something you could have achieved was let go because you were scared of your shadow is unacceptable. To say to yourself, ''I gave up because I just could not muster up the courage and perseverance'' is something regrettable. It only makes your shadow stronger and it only makes you weaker. A shadow is whatever you think of it. I know my light. I know my shadow. I know I must and can rise above it. I know a shadow is within us all, but we all have that light in our lives to help us overcome it. So what is your shadow to you? Is your light strong enough? I feel mine is.

The light within your shadow. The shadow within your light.

-Patrick Zeng

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

First world problems?

In the eyes of a first worlder, the underlying problems in our lives are tremendous. From waking up early at 8AM to go to class to walking a kilometre (0.62 miles for you Amuricans) to the grocery store, our lives are far from perfect. These are just a few things that would make our shitty  lives much more bearable versus the extreme hardships we face.
In a perfect world:

But to be honest, the world as we know it is actually a very ugly ugly place, full of poverty, war, and inequalities. However, contrary to popular belief (or MTV), us people living in the first world actually have it MUCH easier than those who have to deal with real hardship. If we really stop and think, ''wishing ketchup in a glass bottle would pour easier'' sounds outrageous in the eyes of a family that has hardly any food and is struggling to survive in the third world. Although first world problem jokes can be funny, it really exposes us to see how lucky we actually are to live in the first world, so let us not take it for granted.

Which was your favourite ''in a perfect world.....'' and what do you think about the huge discrepancy between the first world and the third world? 

Monday, 19 September 2011

First Post

So this is my first ever blog!

I've always read blogs, but never really took the effort to start one myself. Now, since one of my classes requires me to, I have decided to start one. I'll be posting things that I'm thinking about at a given time or something I just find pretty cool.

Basically the blog name speaks for itself, Doodling Around:
v. doo·dled, doo·dling, doo·dles
1. To scribble aimlessly, especially when preoccupied.
2. To kill time.

a·round  (-round)adv.
a. On all sides: dirty clothes lying around.
b. In close to all sides from all directions: a field bordered around with tall trees.

So there we have it! The purpose of this site is to kill time in close to all sides from all directions; this basically means procrastinating all day, errr day!

Let the pro...ductivity crastination begin! :) Hope everybody enjoys!