About Me

An outspoken, outgoing, and enthusiastic college student. A mix of North America and Asia, sautéed in a blend of crazy Asian and American parenting. Sort of preppy with an extra pinch of spice and broiled over to add that extra crunch.

Monday, 19 September 2011

First Post

So this is my first ever blog!

I've always read blogs, but never really took the effort to start one myself. Now, since one of my classes requires me to, I have decided to start one. I'll be posting things that I'm thinking about at a given time or something I just find pretty cool.

Basically the blog name speaks for itself, Doodling Around:
v. doo·dled, doo·dling, doo·dles
1. To scribble aimlessly, especially when preoccupied.
2. To kill time.

a·round  (-round)adv.
a. On all sides: dirty clothes lying around.
b. In close to all sides from all directions: a field bordered around with tall trees.

So there we have it! The purpose of this site is to kill time in close to all sides from all directions; this basically means procrastinating all day, errr day!

Let the pro...ductivity crastination begin! :) Hope everybody enjoys!